
Every Project needs a schedule or Gantt chart.
A Gantt chart, commonly used in project management, is one of the most popular and useful ways of showing activities (tasks or events) displayed against time. On the left of the chart is a list of the activities and along the top is a suitable time scale. Each activity is represented by a bar; the position and length of the bar reflects the start date, duration and end date of the activity. This allows you to see at a glance:
- What the various activities are
- When each activity begins and ends
- How long each activity is scheduled to last
- Where activities overlap with other activities, and by how much
- The start and end date of the whole project
To summarise, a Gantt chart shows you what has to be done (the activities) and when (the schedule).
Gantt charts are most commonly used for tracking project schedules. For this it is useful to be able to show additional information about the various tasks or phases of the project, for example how the tasks relate to each other, how far each task has progressed, what resources are being used for each task and so on.
We will work with your team to produce high quality schedules. This will typically be done using Primevera P6 but might be Microsoft Project for simple projects. If you have an existing schedules we will review its content and construct and assist in making your schedule realistic, properly linked and practical to use throughout your project. In particular, you may be required to use the schedule to administer the contract such as in NEC3 projects. The cost and resource loading is essential and we can help you with this if it is not within your expertise.
Our experts will demystify the planning process by focusing on structure, organization and practical layout of activities.